Arrabah- is an Arab village located in the lower Galilee, it is also considered a city, consisting of a mountain range and is bordered by a valley. There is a road that separates between the two landscapes, which resembles the disconnection between the new generation and the traditional agriculture lifestyle that has been implemented in the valley. The purpose of the project is to join the village, the mountain, and the valley by modernizing the concept of traditional agriculture in such a way that will retain the youth in town and attract visitors.

"Arrabah" has witnessed an increase in the construction density, the main reason for this was the "returnees", referring to the young people who chose to return and live within the cohesive village community after graduation, despite the economic situation and the lack of job opportunities.
Education is important to the villagers, this significance has increased especially with technological innovation and imports from abroad, as the value of local agriculture - which was the livelihood of the population - has depreciated, becoming unprofitable in the face of competition in a global store.
"Arrabah" enjoys a strategic location, as it is located on the border between the upper and lower Galilee, and to the south of it is the huge and fertile Albatouf (Beit Natova) Valley, which was a source of livelihood for the residents in the past, as people wanted to live near this "treasure".
The typography allowed passage from the northern valley through "Arrabah" and thus the development of the street and the core of the village.
In order to realize my vision, I explored the road extending from the main road at the northern end of "Arrabah" to Albatouf Valley, the historic road from which life began to flourish to this day.
In the first stage, the entire road will undergo future changes and connect to the valley by connecting all the points along it and treating them accordingly, which will form attractions for the valley and farming.

11 / 08 / 2021